Section summary

The events surrounding the birth of John the Baptist and the announcement to the Virgin Mary of the birth of Jesus are detailed in the Gospel of Luke:

  • John the Baptist's Birth:
    • Zacharias, a priest married to Elisabeth, was promised a son named John by the angel Gabriel.
    • Zacharias doubted and was struck dumb until the prophecy was fulfilled.
    • Elisabeth conceived as foretold and praised the Lord for taking away her reproach.
  • The Annunciation to Mary:
    • The angel Gabriel informed Mary that she would conceive and bear the Son of God, Jesus.
    • Mary, initially puzzled, accepted the news and humbly agreed to God's plan.
  • Elisabeth's Encounter with Mary:
    • Elisabeth recognized Mary as carrying the Lord and rejoiced, acknowledging her blessedness.
    • The baby leaped in Elisabeth's womb, confirming the significance of Mary's visit.
  • Mary's Praise and Visit with Elisabeth:
    • Mary glorified God, acknowledging His greatness and mercy, and remained with Elisabeth for three months.
  • John the Baptist's Birth and Prophecy:
    • John was born to Elisabeth, and Zacharias confirmed his name as instructed by the angel.
    • Zacharias prophesied about John's role in preparing the way for the Lord's coming.
    • John grew strong in spirit and lived in the desert until his public ministry.

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