The Course

This Bible Study Course was produced in the mid-1970s. The author is the Holy Spirit, working through many dear and beloved brethren, a testament to the divine inspiration behind its creation. 

From Humble Beginnings

Doctor James Howard, also known as "Jim." Jim has a doctorate in education and was the superintendent of Pleasant Hill School District, one of Oregon's most significant and wealthiest districts. Jim left the district and became part of the Shiloh Ministry Study Center in Dexter, Oregon. 


Many young people came to the seventy acre Study Center to study God's Word — the same Word they had learned in the one hundred fifty-six house ministries scattered across our great nation.

God's Holy Spirit raised Jim and five young teachers to develop the Bible School curriculum.

John Higgins

The Lord had used me to preach to the lost hippies of the generation I was born into. When the homeless Hippies came to Jesus, they being homeless needed a place to live.

Therefore, house ministries grew. People were trained to run them. The houses were for new converts. However, the house ministries weren't a place for equipping the converts with the full council of God.

As a result, the Lord provided us with the Study Center and Bible School. A place where faithful brothers and sisters could be free to study The Word of God.

As for me, I helped by reviewing their work to see if ordinary people could grasp the magnificent Word of God.

Then, the Lord had me submit this work to my pastor, Chuck Smith, for his approval. His role in this process is significant, and his approval is identified by his placing a small cross next to the sentences or statements in the New Testament.

Lost for 40 Years

When Shiloh disbanded, this study course was lost until about 40 years later, when Doctor Jim called me and asked if I wanted the course. He said he had a copy of the original in his shed. Of course, this excited me, and my spirit leaped for joy. Jim sent it to me, but the ravages of time had taken their toll.

Mel Terry

Mel Terry is a fine young man who came from hard times and moved into the first Shiloh House in Eugene OR.

Years later, Mel was chosen to read and record onto cassettes the information written by the teachers and developers. However, forty years later, they were hardly auditable and really scratchy.

Ben Ring

Therefore, one of the associate pastors at His Church Calvary Chapel, Ben Ring, carefully listened to and transcribed every tape.
Ben's voice is now reading the material presented here at Ben is now pastoring a new Calvary-type fellowship in Westmoreland KS. 

Recommend Use

We would like to recommend that you have your Bible open to the book you are studying, and if the audio shows that three chapters are going to be covered,


May the Lord's Holy Spirit teach you and ground you in HIS TRUTH.


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The Voice of The Study
Ben Ring

Ben Ring brings a rich tapestry of theological knowledge and practical experience to "The Bible Study Course". With years dedicated to exploring the historical, cultural, and spiritual depths of the Bible, Ben has honed a comprehensive understanding of this foundational text. His methodical approach to teaching is infused with insights gleaned from extensive study and personal reflection, allowing students to appreciate the nuances of biblical principles and their applications in modern life.

Ben's connection to "The Bible Study Course" is deeply rooted in a passion for sharing wisdom and fostering enlightening discussions about biblical teachings. He believes that the Bible is not just a book, but a living conversation that continues to resonate through the ages. His eagerness to guide others through the complexities of Scripture is matched by his ability to make the ancient texts accessible and relevant. Students in Ben's classes quickly recognize the enthusiasm and dedication he brings to each session, setting the stage for a transformative learning experience.