

  1. Taking the Canaan Land (ch. 1-12)
    1. Joshua’s leadership (ch. 1)
Click to Play Joshua's Parting Warning

Witness to the Canaanite nations (read chapters 2)

Background of the Canaanites

Before going to Crossing into the Promised Land please read Joshua chapter 3-4

Crossing into the Promised Land (read chapters 3-4)

Renewing the covenant through circumcision (read chapters 5)

Wars under Joshua (read chapters 5:13 - 12)

Division of the Land among the Tribes (read chapters 13-24)

Judah, Ephraim, and the other half of Manasseh receive their portions (read chapters 13-17)

The remaining seven tribes receive their portions (read chapters 18-22)

Joshua’s parting warning (read chapters 23-24)

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